


”参照しろ”と言うthe electronic attachment を十分に検証し、この回答に対し、7月19日~22日に日本で開催されるアウトリーチ(説明会)までに再度公開質問したい。

Dear Mr T,
 Thank you very much (for your 注1) questions and for the expressed interest in the UNSCEAR 2020/2021 Report, annex B. The final English and Japanese versions of this annex are now available on our website (, together with the supporting technical and methodological information in 23 electronic attachments. With this email I would like to summarize the answers to the questions received since March 2022 and I would like to thank you for your understanding that the responses reach you with some delay due to the preparation and successful completion of the 69th UNSCEAR session (9-13 May 2022).
                          ( 注1:原文にはないが追加)

UNSCEAR2020/2021報告のannex Bに対する多くの質問および、UNSCEAR 2020/2021報告のannex Bに関心を持っていただいたことに感謝いたします。 この annex の最終的な英語版と日本語版および、それを支える技術的および方法論的情報である23個のattachment を私たちのwebsite ( 上で見ることができます。このmailでは、2022年3月から(注2)寄せられた質問に対する回答をまとめております。また、5月9日から13日にかけて行われた第69回UNSCEARセッションを成功裡に終わらせる準備のために応答が遅くなったことをご理解いただければと思います。

The Committee has, based on the scientific information available to it at the time, made a realistic assessment of the range of exposures of the Japanese population from the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS). Average doses to particular age groups and distributions of doses in the population as a whole have been estimated for particular municipalities and prefectures. In estimating distributions of doses, account has been taken of the variability and uncertainty in many parameters influential in determining doses (e.g., iodine in diet, uptake to thyroid, shielding and filtration provided by buildings, lifestyle, diet). The scientific basis for the choice of average values and distributions assigned to each of the parameters influential in determining doses is set out in detail in the electronic attachments to the UNSCEAR 2020/2021 Report, annex B and in the report itself ( ).


線量を評価するにあたっては、線量の決定に影響をおよぼす多くのパラメータ(食物中のヨウ素の量、甲状腺への取り込み、建物による遮蔽(注:原文はshielding and filtration 遮蔽と濾過ですが、遮蔽とだけ訳す)、ライフスタイル、食事習慣)における違いと不確定性が考慮されています。線量を評価するときに影響を及ぼすそれぞれのパラメータに与えられた平均値と分布の選択についての詳細は、attachments、UNSCEAR 2020/2021報告 annex BとReportそのものに示されています。

Inevitably, some individuals with extreme habits may have received lower or greater doses than those estimated - for example, those who chose to consume only bottled water or foodstuffs packaged before the accident or produced far from Fukushima will have received essentially no exposure or very limited exposure via ingestion; conversely, those who chose to ignore governmental advice and restrictions and consumed large amounts of wild produce may have received exposures greater than estimated. Notwithstanding this, the Committee concluded that the ranges of dose presented in the report will largely encompass those actually received by respective populations and they are in accord with the available data on measurements of individuals, including those of both internal and external exposures.  Many, if not all, of the issues you have raised in your e-mails (amount of iodine in diet, filtration and shielding afforded by being indoors, etc) are addressed in the electronic attachments, in particular the data and information underpinning the judgements made by the Committee in assigning average values and distributions to each of the parameters.

必然的に、とても特殊な習慣を持つ人々は、この評価より少ない、あるいは多くの線量をうけるかもしれません。 例えば、ミネラルウォーターや事故以前に梱包されたり、福島から遠く離れたところで生産された食料だけを選ぶ人々は食料を通した線量がほとんどないか、とても小さいと思います。一方、政府の勧告や規制を無視して大量の野生のものを食べた人々は、この評価より多くの線量をうけるでしょう。


1. The rate of uptake into the thyroid gland was halved compared to Westerners. (Questions by email on March 21st) Paragraph 148 and A64 A-2, A-4 (not issued).
1.甲状腺に取り込まれたヨウ素量が西洋人に比べて半分にした事。(3月21日のmailにおける質問) 148節 A64 A-2, A4(未発表)

Scientific basis for selection by the UNSCEAR expert group of the Japan-specific dose coefficients for inhaled or ingested radionuclides of iodine by persons of different age with different types of diet is presented in the electronic attachment A4  (see ).

異なる年齢や異なる食習慣の人々における呼吸や食事からとりこまれた日本における放射性ヨウ素線量係数についての、UNSCEARの専門グループが選んだ科学的根拠はattachment A-4 に示されている。

Furthermore, the uncertainty in the Japan-specific dose coefficients for iodine has also been addressed, see the following paragraph 21 from electronic attachment A-12 “21. The uncertainty in the Japan-specific dose conversion coefficients for iodine and tellurium isotopes was explicitly modelled by assuming a triangular distribution with minimum value = dose coefficient for Kelp-rich diet, peak value = dose coefficient for typical Japanese diet, and maximum value = dose coefficient for Western pattern diet.”
It is crucially important that thyroid doses in Japanese people of different age groups assessed by the way of modelling are in close agreement with thyroid doses estimated from the available radiation measurements of human thyroids done by Japanese experts in March–April 2011. The modelling and comparison of two methods are presented in the electronic attachment A2.  

さらに、日本におけるヨウ素の線量係数における不確定性についてもすでに説明されている。例えば、attachment A-12のパラグラフ21に、「日本におけるヨウ素およびテレルの線量係数は、最小値をKelp(昆布)を多く食べる食生活の線量係数、ピークを典型的な日本の食生活、最大値を西洋人の食生活とする三角分布でモデル化されている」と書かれている。

この方法で評価された、日本人の年齢が異なるグループの甲状腺線量が、日本の専門家が2011年3月から4月にかけて測定したデータから評価された甲状腺線量とよくあうことが決定的に重要である。モデルと二つの方法の比較はattachment A-2 に示されている。

2. The indoor evacuation effect was halved from the average value

The uncertainty in the reduction factor for the exposure when staying indoors has explicitly being addressed, see the following paragraph 19 in the electronic attachment A-12: “19. For the reduction in exposures from being indoors, the Committee has used new data experimentally derived for Japanese houses [Hirouchi et al, 2018]. The measured reduction factors ranged from less than 0.1 to approximately 1. The Committee has used a reduction factor of 0.5 as a central estimate, with an uncertainty described by a triangular distribution with minimum = 0.1, peak = 0.5 and maximum = 0.95 (as proposed by [Ohba et al, 2020]).” (see ).

屋内にいることによる被曝量の減少する程度の不確定性については、しっかりと考慮されている。Attachment A-12の以下のパラグラフをみてほしい。「19.屋内にいることによる被曝量の減少については、委員会は日本の家屋についての実験によって求められた新しいデータ[Hirouchi et al,2018]を用いている。測定された減少は0.1より小さいところからほぼ1までの範囲であった。委員会は、(Oobaたちの論文 2020で提案されている)ように中心値を0.5とし、三角分布の最小値=01、ピーク=0.5、最大値=0.95を用いている。

3. For oral ingestion, ignore the ingestion of contaminated agricultural products from the beginning of the explosion to the shipping restrictions until March 22nd. Initial internal exposure due to ingestion is not considered at all.

For the assessment of internal doses from ingestion of foods and drinking water containing I-131 and Cs radionuclides during the 1st year after the accident the Committee used published works of Japanese scientists, i.e. [Murakami, M. and T. Oki 2014] combined with other papers focused on the diet intake. This approach and its results are presented in electronic attachments A-2 “The Estimation of Thyroid Doses Resulting from the Accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station and their Validation” for I-131 (see link above) and A-3 “The Estimation of Whole-Body Doses from the Intake of Radiocaesium Following the Accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station” for Cs-137 and Cs-134. (see
It is important that effective doses in Japanese people of different age groups assessed by the way of modelling of ingestion Cs-137 and Cs-134 are in close agreement with effective doses estimated from the numerous whole-body measurements done by Japanese experts in 2011. The modelling and comparison of two methods are presented in electronic attachment A-3.

ヨウ素131と放射性セシウムを含む食品と飲料水の摂取による最初の1年間の内部被曝の評価について、委員会は日本人研究者の論文[[Murakami, M. and T. Oki 2014] と、食品からの摂取についてのその他の論文を用いている。この方法と結果は、attachment A-2 「福島第一原発事故による甲状腺線量の評価と確証」(上のlinkをみてほしい) においてI-131について、A-3 「福島第一原発事故からの放射性セシウムの摂取による内部被曝の評価」においてCs-137とCs-134について示されている。

日本のことなる年齢グループのCs-137 とCs-134の摂取のモデルを用いて評価された実効線量が、2011年に行われた専門家による数多くの全身測定(注:whole body measurementの訳)から評価された実効線量と、とてもよく合うことは重要である。Attachment A-3にこのモデルと、二つの方法の比較が示されている。

4. Residents who have been delayed to evacuate or stayed are not eligible (ignored). How did you evaluate the exposure dose values (internal exposure + external exposure) of the following residents ((1) to (5)) after the Unit 1 vent and hydrogen explosion?

All 40 scenarios evaluated by the Committee considered external and internal exposures to various groups of evacuees from the FDNPS accident. The expert group did not operate with single events like the Unit 1 vent and hydrogen explosion but considered radiation conditions, e.g., dose rate and radionuclide concentrations in the air, resulting from all accidental events together, including the Unit 1 vent and hydrogen explosion.


5.Most ratings in the report are average. Shouldn't it be evaluated at the maximum value?

The estimated dose distributions are presented in detail in the electronic attachments, e.g. see A-21 “Distributions of Doses in Municipalities and Evacuation Groups” ( See also introductory part of this email as above.

評価された線量の分布はattachments、例えば、A-21 「市町村と避難グループにおける線量分布」に示されている。
I hope that the detailed explanation above with references to recently published electronic attachments to the UNSCEAR 2020/2021 Report, annex B containing all the details of the dose reconstruction process answers your questions.

最近出版された、UNSCEAR 2020/2021 Report, annex B のattachmentsは線量の評価についての詳細を含んでおり、それらを参照した上に示した説明は、あなたの質問に対する十分な回答であると考えます。
Best regards,
Borislava Batandjieva-Metcalf

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