












以下は、UNSCEAR 2020/2021年版報告書に関する質問と要請の一部である。尚、この文章は序文であり、詳細は別途報告する。


Dear Ms. Borislava Batandjieva-Metcalf,

Thank you for your efforts.

The public meeting last July ended without satisfactory answers from UNSCEAER to the questions and concerns of many citizens and experts.

We believe that leaving the wrong and unscientific report as it is a crime and a desecration to the people of Fukushima Prefecture and thyroid patients.

A book has been published in which experts and citizens have pointed out that the thyroid equivalent doses in this report are underestimated by two to three orders of magnitude. Many briefings, workshops, and symposiums have been held on UNSCEAR's erroneous report.
There has already been a great swell of distrust of UNSCEAR among the Japanese public.

Many media outlets have reported on the problems and deceptions in the UNSCERA report in response to the public meetings held last year.

Please conduct a review of the UNSCEAR 2020/2021 report ASAP. It is the only way for UNSCEAR to regain credibility.

Below is a partial report of questions and allegations about the UNSCEAR 2020/2021 reportThis text is only an introduction, and the details will be reported separately.

How were Japanese researchers involved in the process of developing the UNSCEAR 2020/2021 report?


In March 2021, the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Radiation (UNSCEAR) released the UNSCEAR 2020/2021 Report. UNSCEAR intentionally misled the media and the public by issuing a press release in Japanese [1] stating that "it is unlikely that health effects (cancer, etc.) directly attributable to radiation exposure will be seen in the future. There were major discrepancies between the English and Japanese versions of the press release.

The thyroid equivalent dose coefficient (presented by the ICRP) was set at 1/2 that of Westerners because Japanese people eat kelp daily, and the inhalation dose indoors was set at 1/2 that of outdoors, although methylated radioactive iodine easily penetrates indoors and is considered to have reached almost equilibrium with the outdoor level in a few hours when the plume arrived. Note that the effect of indoor evacuation is relatively small when people stay indoors for a long time, but the contribution as dose is small.

Furthermore, UNSCEAR falsified the amount and rate of deposition of the large plume (including radioactive iodine, etc.) on March 15 and 16, and assumed that all residents in the evacuation zone had been completed evacuation by March 15, which further underestimated the maximum inhalation internal exposure, assuming that radioactive iodine in the air is efficiently carried to the alveoli even under foggy conditions, by three orders of magnitude.

This resulted in an underestimation of the maximum inhalation internal exposure by another three orders of magnitude. Furthermore, increasing the deposition rate and amount of deposition would unjustifiably overestimate internal exposure due to external exposure and resuspension in the vicinity.

Moreover, UNSCEAR ignored the oral intake of open-air vegetables and raw milk for the 11 days leading up to March 23, when shipments were suspended , and significantly reduced the internal exposure values to make the doses more realistic.

Thus, even from the UNSCEAR 2013 report , they tried in every way to trivialize the maximum internal exposure dose for Fukushima residents and maximized external exposure in the certain area since radioactive materials fall more early in the atmospheric dispersion process. The report states that realistic dose estimates were made, but they are not realistic for the residents of the prefecture who were exposed to the maximum internal dose.

1.The revised data that is entitled "realistic dose estimates” dramatically reduce internal doses as a result of dwarfing inhalation from the massive plume and ingestion doses from vegetables, etc. Based on the amount and rate of deposition of the massive plume on March 15-16, it is estimated that each resident whose evacuation was delayed may have received a equivalent dose to thyroid more than two orders of magnitude less than the internal doses from inhalation intake.

Professor Emeritus Hongyo of Osaka University School of Medicine has suggested that the equivalent thyroid doses may have been dwarfed by two orders of magnitude or more (references are needed).

2.The evacuation of evacuees from Hamadori was completed in Iitate Village and the shelter was closed on March 18. A large amount of plume flowed on March 15-16. There is a large   possibility that the residents who evacuated to the evacuation center in Iitate Village and the residents of Iitate Village were exposed to a large amount of internal radiation. It is clear from this fact that the government and UNSCEAR's claim that there was no internal exposure because all residents in the evacuation zone had been evacuated by March 15 is a distortion.

3.Paragraph "153" of the UNSCEA 2020/2021 Report and "A83 (not 82)" of APPENDIX A. ASSESSMENT OF DOSES TO THE PUBLIC, " For evacuees, doses from ingestion of food  before and during evacuation have been assumed to be negligible, based on survey results.” However, according to the Tokyo Shimbun's "Special Report" issued on 5 of April 2021, 8,000 residents stopped by the Tsushima district of Namie Town on their way to evacuate.

Mr. I, a resident of the Tsushima area, testified, "I brought vegetables grown in the open air for the soup kitchen. On the other hand, there were no critical comments on the UNSCEAR 2020/2021 draft report from any countries.

Therefore, it is safe to assume that the Japanese draft, which Dr. Suzuki, Dr. Akashi, and others had the secretariat of the National Response Committee compile, was almost accepted. The composition of the committee members also suggests that Dr. Akashi, who has the former NIRS secretariat under his control, is working with Dr. Suzuki to arbitrarily trivialize the UNSCEAR report.

4.Some papers such as by Kato and Yamada [5]suggest that the number of residents in the evacuation zone, which UNSCEAR it shows 40 evacuation scenarios indicated was completed by March 15, was not necessarily all evacuated, and many residents spent time in cars parked in the high-dose area on the way to evacuation. It is highly possible that not all the residents of Tsushima, Namie Town, which has high radiation levels, were evacuated by March 16.

5.T. Kato and K. Yamada, CLINICAL ONCOLOGY AND RESEARCH 2022 5 May.


I would appreciate your rebuttal or comments on UNSCEAR within the next two weeks.

Best regards,




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