

国連科学委員会(UNSCEAR)が7月19日~22日に日本でアウトリーチ活動を実施(アナウンスは未だ)について以下のメールを送信した。“outreach activities”の名称は相応しくないのでその名称の変更も要求。




Dear Ms. Borislava Batandjieva-Metcalf,

I am still waiting for your response about  the UNSCEAR outreach activities.I  still have the following questions.

1. (Date )and time
2. Place

3. Method (face-to-face + On-Line?)
4. Outline and contents, especially the question and answer session with the citizens
5. Accepting questions in advance
6. Participant names on the UNSCEAR side, especially Japanese
7. It should be renamed as a forum for exchanging views rather than outreach activities.

The UNSCEAR 2020/2021 report is full of mistakes. Especially in Attachment A-9, the plume deposition rate in Koriyama City is about 1000 times faster than the actual one (internal exposure is reduced to 1/1000), and Fig. A-9V and Fig. A-9 VI are incorrect.
There are so many mistakes as "Junk on the sand". (Japanese experts should be reported separately)

Furthermore, it is clear that the internal exposure dose evaluation of oral intake and inhalation intake is clearly dwarfed.In this way, it is ethically unacceptable to report clearly wrong content to the residents.

This report was not peer-reviewed, and it is conceivable that the report was biased with some speculation, with a limited number of experts, especially the five Japanese working group members, who were in a position close to the Japanese government.
It is hard to say that it is a fair and neutral report. Therefore, the activity scheduled for July 19-22 should be a forum for exchanging views on this issue with Japanese citizens, residents, stakeholders and scientists.
Otherwise, the content of the UNSCEAR 2020 report will not be endorsed. Please consider it.

Your prompt reply would be highly appreciated.

Best regards,

  ――― 送付先は以下。―――


To: 'Borislava Batandjieva-Metcalf' <>
Cc: 'UNSCEAR' <>; 'UNSCEAR-Fukushima' <>;'Kristel AQUINO' <>


outreach activitiesというよりも意見交換といった名称に変更すべきです。




従い、7月19日~22日に開催予定のアクテビテイでは、日本の市民、住民、ステークホルダーや科学者とこの問題点についての意見交換の場とすべきです。さもなくば、UNSCEAR 2020レポートの内容は、支持されないでしょう。


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